

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Villagers 01

Just a quick update on the villagers. Making good progress. 

First the goatherd. The crook may seem big, but we have to recall that tools are scaled to do their job, not just to cater to the scale of the user. Like the pikes, it made sense to me that the crook had a job to do and therefore needed to be big enough to do the job. 

This is the mushroom farmer. She is crouched over to yank up a mushroom. She has a medieval swiss hatchet in her other hand. Her basket will be filled with mushrooms. 

This is the cobbler. He is pressing holes into the the sole of a shoe. To make his occupation more obvious I surrounded him with shoes. 

This old woman is knitting hats. To make that more obvious I have included a ball of yarn and some completed hats next to her. 

Juggler. He will be balance on a single foot. 

Little Girl Running

Beggar. He will have a knapsack and will be holding out his hat to beg for alms.

Old grandpa gnome. He'll have a knobbly cane.

Little boy walking with a water pale. 


  1. These are looking excellent! Although I have realised I do not have any 28mm scale goats! I do have a family of boars (including piglets). I might repurpose the goatherd as a pig farmer - unless Byron you tell me that is not canon! ;)

    1. Hahahaha

      I sculpted up 3 goat poses a while back for our baggage train :)

      Pigs are great too :) I'm sure the gnomes have swineherds too.
