

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Progress on our Fairytale Germans

Brief update from the workbench. Below is a photo of the finished archers. They have 8 poses. 5 in firing line poses and 3 other poses. 

Next, we have the start of the halberdiers. These poses are bit less varied than the archers. The intent is to portray a sense of aggression - so each pose telegraphs advancing. This choice was made for two reasons. First, halberds are less of a defensive weapon compared to pikes or spears. Second, these models will be equipped with armor and plummage to suggest perhaps they are well paid mercenaries or perhaps professional standing troops for a principality. Therefore they would be better motivated or better trained than the spearmen militia.

As always, constructive comments and criticisms are welcome below :)


  1. Mmmmmm... There are some problems with the proportions, or I'm wrong? Also the legs are a little too slim. Hope to be helpful!

    1. Thanks for your comment :) I've been having trouble with consistency and proportions. I am aiming for the "heroic" scaling of late 80's minis - which tend to have bigger heads, hands, and feet, and slightly shorter legs. I try to keep my minis on the slimmer side too so they match that aesthetic when our minis weren't super musclebound. Maybe I went too far and made them too skinny? My minis def aren't true 28mm nor are they like GW's current macho minis.

      that's sorta what I am aiming for.

      Thanks again for commenting. It's useful to have people question me and make me think more about my craft. Helps me get better. :)
